Ballona Wetlands

Project Phoenix staff joined the Nature Nexus Institute and Los Angeles Audubon for their twice-monthly Open Wetlands event at the Ballona Wetlands. These nature walks are offered on the first Saturday and second Sunday of every month (except in August). Participants are led on a guided nature walk through the wetlands by a local naturalist, and binoculars and spotting scopes are provided to help visitors explore every detail of the beautiful wetlands habitat. We learned all about the native plants in Ballona, dissected an owl pellet, and observed dozens of species of gulls, terns, herons, and shorebirds. Olivia, our program director, picked up her first-ever Red-necked Phalarope! The best sighting of the day may have been a side-by-side comparison of a Snowy Egret and a Great Egret.

If you live in the L.A. area, consider joining the Nature Nexus Institute for one of their next adventures!

More photos from the event can be found here.